Can cylinder paper cans packaging replace sealed can packaging?


Can cylinder paper cans packaging replace sealed can packaging?

cylinder paper can packaging

At present, the cylinder paper can packaging is more common on the market, and has been widely used in various industries in the field of packaging. The reason why the cylinder paper can packaging is favoured by the market, and its own advantageous properties are inseparable. Paper can packaging sealing has been the market's attention, then, the cylinder paper can packaging can replace the sealed can packaging?

cylinder paper can

As we all know, the sealing of the sealing can packaging are better, but according to the different materials, they can be divided into glass sealing can packaging, plastic sealing can packaging, metal sealing can packaging and so on. In recent years, the domestic packaging industry has been developing rapidly, especially in the field of paper packaging progress is obvious, paper packaging forms are becoming more and more diversified, the emergence of cylinder paper can packaging, but also attracted widespread attention in the market.

paper packaging

Cylinder paper can packaging differ greatly in their functional properties according to the production process. Composite paper can packaging are made of composite materials such as paper and aluminium foil, with a layer of aluminium foil attached to the inner wall, which has high barrier properties and can achieve excellent sealing effect. Cylinder composite paper can packaging are waterproof and moisture-proof, and can meet the sealing needs of most foods for packaging.

cylinder paper can packaging

Cylinder composite paper can packaging can replace the sealed cans to a certain extent, to meet more and more products on the packaging sealing needs, especially in the field of food packaging has been more widely used.

If you are interested in our cylinder paper can packaging, please feel free to contact us!