Is food composite paper can packaging harmful?


Is food composite paper can packaging harmful?

With the continuous popularity of the cylinder paper can packaging, composite paper can in the food packaging industry is also more and more widely used. Paper can packaging is no longer unfamiliar to everyone, but the mention of composite paper can packaging, many of our partners do not know much, and even the safety of composite paper can packaging there are doubts, food composite paper can packaging in the end is what kind of packaging, there is no harm to the human body?

food composite paper can packaging

Composite paper can packaging belongs to one of the types of paper packaging, and ordinary paper packaging is different, composite paper cans made of paper and food-grade aluminium foil composite, its raw materials are food-grade, not only safe, but also green, will not endanger people's health. Composite paper can packaging green features, by the food packaging industry recognition and favour.

Not only that, composite paper can packaging also has excellent sealing, with waterproof, moisture-proof effect, effectively avoiding food moisture, so as to better ensure the safety and quality of food. Composite paper can packaging as a kind of paper packaging, to meet the food industry on the packaging of green, safe, sealed requirements, won the customer's satisfaction.

Today, composite paper can packaging has become the food industry's reputation for packaging, not only to meet the basic needs of the food on the packaging, but also to meet the market's demand for differentiation of packaging, help products to better marketing, to achieve value.

If you want to know more about composite paper can packaging, please feel free to consult us!