The daily necessities can pack in round paper can?


daily necessities

The market is full of brands of daily necessities, many categories, but their packaging is the same, mainly in plastic bags. In the differentiated market competition today, many brands are also actively developing some new forms of packaging to meet the impact of market differentiation. Today I would like to discuss the daily necessities in the cleaning powder packaging.

Like the picture of this cleaning powder with round paper can packaging, many people may be the first time to see. In fact, has been in the daily series of products using paper can packaging is not much, but with the introduction of the ‘plastic limit’ policy and market differentiation and fierce competition, environmental protection and characteristics of the round paper can packaging has been rapid development. Today, the scope of application of paper can packaging can be said to be more and more extensive.

paper can

Of course, considering that the cleaning powder belongs to the granular powder form, the storage conditions are to maintain a dry environment, and the paper can packaging, after all, belong to the paper packaging, whether it can provide this environment? Is the sealing of the paper can packaging reliable?

We see in the article this paper can packaging, belongs to the composite paper cans. Composite paper cans made of paper and aluminium foil composite, which has excellent sealing, play a waterproof, moisture-proof effect. In addition, the composite paper cans can achieve the product bare, not only reduces the cost of the product again independent packaging, but also proves the good sealing effect of the composite paper can packaging.

With the passage of time, we will see more and more products or industries in the market using paper can packaging. The application of round paper can packaging not only reflects the sense of social responsibility, but also the trend of the times.