What do you know about window cutting paper tube packaging?


What do you know about window cutting paper tube packaging?

Cylinder paper tube packaging has been very common in the market, and is used in many industries in the field of packaging. With the development of the domestic packaging industry, the form of cylindrical paper can packaging is also more and more, and to diversification, differentiation trend, thus prompting greater marketing. Here is a look at the window cutting paper tube packaging.

window cutting paper tube packaging

The so-called window cutting paper tube packaging, is in the paper tube tube body to do some cutting treatment, looks like a small window, so it is called window cutting paper tube . At present, in the field of packaging, window cutting paper tube this form of packaging applications are also expanding, in food packaging, gift packaging and other fields have been applied!

window cutting packaging

The window cutting design of round paper tube packaging is not only conducive to the formation of market differentiation of the product, but also enhances the product packaging interesting, thus promoting better marketing of the product. At present, the windowed cutting paper tube packaging is mainly in the regular form, but there are also some irregular window cutting, you can choose the appropriate packaging form according to their own needs.

If you are interested in window cutting packaging, please feel free to contact us.